In December of 2021, Clint, Quinn, and their son Jack moved to Clemmons, NC to join the work God was already doing by planting a church. The Lord gave them a vision of a disciple-making movement spreading across the village of Clemmons through ordinary believers living out their faith.

Before moving to the area, the Littles faced the reality that finding a home would be a financial challenge. After “prayer driving” through Clemmons one day, Clint boldly said, “Lord, if you want us to plant here, you’re going to have to make a way for us to live here!” Less than three weeks later a rental opened up through family connections in the heart of Clemmons.
With a home and a vision, Clint and Quinn began meeting their neighbors through several cookouts and opening up their home to have as many people over for dinner who would accept! Relationships began to form, enabling the start of two Discovery Bible Studies in August 2022.
The Lord also provided a core team, who proved to be a constant source of encouragement and support. Along with their team, the Littles hosted their first house church gathering on Sunday, October 23, 2022. The group was small, but each person there was fully invested in the work they felt God doing.

The Littles continue to host house church and lead Discovery Bible Studies. Every week they prayer walk a different neighborhood, boldly asking for God's kingdom to come and His will be done in each and every home.
King's Village Church hopes to partner with existing churches and believers and together trust the Lord to bring about a disciple-making movement that will transform Clemmons, NC.