House Church

Why House Churches?

The front door of our church is the front door of a house in your neighborhood.

There are two reasons house churches are central to the structure of King’s Village Church:

  1. They help us live like the church we see in the New Testament and early church history.
  2. They help us meet the specific needs of the community we live in today.

Our Focus

Our focus begins with making disciples, gathering these disciples into neighborhood house churches, and then gathering these house churches together in ways that support decentralized disciple-making.

Living Out Our Theology

We believe a church that is a collective of neighborhood churches is the most biblical, effective, and contextually appropriate church planting model designed to support the multiplication of disciples.

  • The early church gathered in houses in groups small enough for every believer to function together as the body of Christ and exercise their unique gifts, resources, and manifestations of the Spirit.
  • These neighborhood churches were devoted to biblical teaching, fellowship, prayer, eating meals, and celebrating the Lord’s Supper together.
  • These neighborhood churches were led by elders, who were men with the character to lead and demonstrating gifts as apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, or teachers.
  • New elders were appointed by existing elders with everyone receiving oversight and accountable to each other for faithfulness and doctrinal integrity.
  • The church also gathered as a unified body in large groups for doctrinal instruction, for celebrating together in song and testimony, and to pool resources for the multiplication of churches and kingdom impact.

Our vision is to build a church that follows this pattern.

We believe this church structure…

  • is biblically faithful, though we love and admire churches with many different structures
  • will be effective at supporting decentralized multiplication of disciples by pushing the focus of church ministry out of a centralized location and into neighborhoods
  • will encourage the participation of every believer by shifting the work of ministry out from professionalized clergy and into the hands of ordinary believers
  • allows each neighborhood church to draw a circle of accountability (COA) around their community and take ownership of providing gospel presence and witness among their own neighbors
  • engages more gifts of leadership in the church by raising the bar (calling for more men to be qualified commissioned as elders) and lowering the barriers (by providing a support structure for lay elders)
  • stewards financial resources well by vastly reducing the number of staff pastors necessary to shepherd a church
  • avoids many shortcomings of micro-churches by having a centralized structure behind the neighborhood churches providing oversight and support

Plan A Visit

If you are interested in being part of a disciple-making movement in Clemmons or want to learn more about the mission of King’s Village Church, visiting a house church is a great place to start.

Our founding house church meets on Harper Rd in Clemmons from 9:00-10:30 on Sunday mornings. Click the button above to contact us and plan your visit.