Our Vision

"It's not just about your church, but about pursuing a movement together."
Cypress Project

Gospel Saturation

We are the product of a group of churches (TCMI) committed to seeing lostness in the Triad reduced by 10% in our lifetimes. To achieve that, we are aiming at gospel saturation, where every man, woman, and child encounters clear and compelling gospel witness in their daily lives. This is a massive goal that requires collaboration, multiplication, and a fresh work of God in our communities.

For us, that commitment is reflected in our model for church planting.

  • We refuse to do it alone. We are partnering with multiple churches in our area as we plant and will immediately begin to partner with TCMI to plant other churches.
  • We are for the church in Clemmons. We will speak well of all gospel believing churches in our area, pray for them weekly, and collaborate with them where possible.
  • We are committed to multiplication on all levels. We will be a sending church and not be greedy with people, resources, or ministries.



We seek to multiply at every level: disciples, elders, and churches.


We desire to build God’s church and kingdom, not our church and our kingdom.

Neighbor Love:

We work to see the gospel transform our neighborhoods so that God’s kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven.

"When you make disciples, you always get churches, but when you plant churches you don’t always get disciples."
Mike Breen

Disciple-Making Movement

Our mission is not just to plant a church but to see God produce a disciple-making movement in Clemmons, NC.

What is a disciple-making movement? There are many definitions and the term is used in many ways. However, we believe it must include at least these four elements:

  1. Produces followers who live out radical obedience to Jesus’ commands
  2. Spreads rapidly through a group of people in a geographic area
  3. Grows through decentralized network of disciple-makers
  4. Multiplies groups of followers to at least four generations

Our work is built entirely on the belief that what Clemmons needs is to be filled with ordinary people who become disciple-makers.