
Neighborhood Prayer Initiative

Our great desire is to see God spark a disciple-making movement right here in the Village of Clemmons.

For that to happen two things are abundantly clear to us…
1. We are completely dependent on God
2. We absolutely cannot do it alone

God has put it on our hearts to map out and then prayer walk every neighborhood in Clemmons. As we walk through each of these neighborhoods, we are asking God to transform lives and bring many to believe the gospel and become followers of Jesus. We are also praying that the Christians within each neighborhood would be faithful and fruitful witnesses in their community.

How To Participate


Commit to get outside and pray for your neighborhood weekly during the summer months. Let us know you've taken accountability for your neighborhood so we can make sure every community is covered.

Bless Every Home

Utilize the resource "Bless Every Home" to receive email reminders to pray by name for the families living closest to you.

Bless Every Home


Share your experiences and stories with us as you see God move in response to your prayers.